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In The Recovery Room

»  After the operation you will be in the Recovery Room for about half an hour. You may wake up feeling groggy. You will be given pain medications. Your nurses also coach you with coughing and deep breathing exercises to help clear your lungs and prevent post-operative complications. The surgical drain is removed the following day. A urinary catheter is necessary for a at least 24 hours after the operation.

» Once you are fully recovered from the anaesthetic you will be transferred to your hospital room.

Your Hospital Recovery

»  Once you are back in your room, the goal for the rest of your hospital stay is to begin walking again before you go home.

» In the first 24 hrs, you are encouraged to keep active in bed. You should wriggle your toes and exercise your calves to improve circulation in the leg and to prevent clot formation. You should start straight leg raising exercises and work to straightern your knee. You may sit up if you wish. You are free to move around in bed.

» The day after the surgery you will start “Drop and Dangle” exercises to get the knee bending. Your physiotherapist will see you to start you on these exercises. You may get up, out of bed (with assistance) on crutches, or a frame if you wish. You start walking by taking a few steps at a time and increase the duration of walking over the next few days.

» You should aim to be able to move in and out of bed, walk on crutches and manage steps before you leave the hospital. You should be capable of bending the knee to at least 90 degrees and fully straighten the knee before discharge.

Wound Care

The dressings that were applied in the surgery will be kept in place for 24 hours before it is changed to a transparent, waterproof postop opsite dressing. The wound is closed with subcuticular absorbable stitches. Removal of stitches is NOT needed.

If you develop redness, discharge or undue pain in the wound, you should contact your surgeon or the hospital. Do not simply take antibiotics to treat these concerns. The postop opsite dressing just need to be changed once a week. Normally, the wound can be exposed ot water 3 weeks postop.


X-rays of your knee will be performed when you are in your hospital room. X-rays will be repeated 12 weeks after the operation.

Last updated : 24 January 2018
Website Hits : 447293
since 8 Aug 2009
Redesign by Euodia
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Kuching Specialist Orthopaedic Services.
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Suite 11, Lot 10420, Block 11, Tabuan Stutong Commercial Centre, Jalan Setia Raja, 93350 Kuching, Sarawak
Tel:6082-365 777 Ext 153   Fax: 6082-364 666  
Yang mengikut Peraturan 7, Peraturan-Peraturan Lembaga Iklan Ubat 1976.
No. Siri Kelulusan: 0496/2012/l